Contact us

If you wish to contact Frode Laursen, please fill out the form below

    Contact us
    Frode Laursen A/S
    Vittenvej 90, Vitten
    DK-8382 Hinnerup

    CVR number DK 29 48 27 13
    Press contact
    Communications Manager Maria Frank
    If you need to contact us outside opening hours, please contact one of the following hotlines:
    Recall Products
    +45 2522 2732
    Road DK
    +45 8691 0011
    Nordic Division, South
    +45 8764 1750
    Nordic Division, Centre
    +45 8764 6495
    Nordic Division, North
    +45 8764 1793
    Nordic Divsion, West
    +45 8764 6537
    Continent Division
    +45 8764 6516