Construction site started with a bang

10. May 2017

Construction site started with a bang

FL wants to be leading Skandinavian supplier for storage and distribution of daily goods. In 2016, we thus invested in a site for a new warehouse in Stenkullen, Eskistuna and Helsinki. In Stenkullen near Göteborg, the construction started with a bang when explosive experts made their
preparatory work and cleared the site on 4 May.

The site will eventually turn into a 55,000 m2 state-of-the-art logistic warehouse. The location is not far from our existing warehouses Angered 1 and 2. The first step is a warehouse with 16.000m2 space, scheduled to be ready by April 2018.
Also in Åstorp, construction is busy; here we are expanding with a 25.000m2 high-storage warehouse. The foundation is already finished and we expect to start using the new facilities around the new year.



