Green award for Frode Laursen

Green award for Frode Laursen
Frode Laursen has been awarded this year’s Danish Transport Award for its green transition. In particular, the way in which the company is involving its employees impressed the jury panel.
“Even though we stood with a strong field of six nominees, we were never in doubt that the winner would be Frode Laursen. You’re implementing a wide range of initiatives, and at the same time going out of your way to involve your employees.”
These were the words of jury chair Connie Hedegaard in explaining the jury’s reasons for selecting Frode Laursen. Together with the chair of the transport organisation ITD Christian S. Madsen Connie Hedegaard presented the green award to Frode Laursen’s director Thomas Corneliussen.
“We’re incredibly pleased and proud to be receiving this award,” says Thomas Corneliussen, adding:
“It is, of course, a huge mark of recognition, which must be passed on to our employees. It’s simply not possible to make such significant changes without them being on board.”
Only just started
Frode Laursen is receiving the award for its work with driving style optimisation, climate-friendly wash halls, investments in new and more environmentally friendly equipment, and finally its focus on effective waste sorting. These are focus areas which are not just being continued – they are also being further developed.
“We’ve only just started. I’m convinced that in the coming years, and together with our employees, customers and business partners, we’ll be making even more progress within this area,” says Thomas Corneliussen.
Green efforts throughout the Nordics
This is true not just in Denmark, but also in Sweden, Germany and Finland, where Frode Laursen also has logistics centres.
“Like the rest of our business, we operate across national boundaries, and we’re looking at joint solutions in the Nordic region. Framework conditions obviously differ – for example it makes more sense to use alternative fuels in Sweden and Germany than in Denmark – but other good ideas such as our green wash halls, our work to optimise drivers’ driving styles, load optimisation and better capacity utilisation are being implemented across the different countries,” says Thomas Corneliussen.
Even greater employee involvement
On top of the honour of receiving the Danish Transport Award, it comes with prize money of DKK 50,000, which Frode Laursen will use to support and develop the good ideas being suggested by employees.
“In 2020, we have been placing any good ideas in a system, so that the employees’ CSR suggestions are collated and passed on to the CSR group. We will now be taking a look at how, by means of events and competitions, we can involve employees in the CSR work to an even greater extent.”