Tailor turned truck driver

IGU is a project in which companies help refugees get integrated in the Danish society. Right now Frode Laursen has 10 IGU employees. Hamid Hassan, 35, was in 2016 the very first IGU employed by Frode Laursen. He has used the IGU opportunity to get a truck driving license, ADR certificate and forklift licence, among other things, and right now drives a fixed run from Netto in Årslev.
– I like my work. For me, one must take care of one’s work in the same way one takes care of one’s family, says Hamid and continues:
-That’s why other people sometimes shout to me: “Hamid, remember to take a break.” I forget to take them because I am so preoccupied with my work.
Hamid, who is Kurdish Syrian, fled from Syria back in 2012. He got a Danish residence permit in 2013, and he lives in Hadsten together with his wife Mayzat and their two children, Dunia (16 months) and Pasha (just 3 months). It was his neighbour Gunner who introduced him to Frode Laursen back in 2016.
– Gunner got me out to meet Ole Munk, who was responsible for the internship arrangements. We agreed that I could start an internship here in Vitten. After the internship period, Ole offered me a position under the IGU scheme, says Hamid.
New career as a driver
Hamid said no at first as he was not sure if he could make it work economically with a wife and small child at home.
– But then we talked about what it would mean for me. I could learn better Danish and possibly get a truck driving license. And in that way, I would be in a much better position after finishing the IGU training.
So Hamid, who had his own tailor shop in Syria, has now started a new career as a driver in Denmark.
– It is difficult to be a tailor here in Denmark, and I like being a driver. I am not stuck inside a store, and I get to drive on the roads and see all the Danish towns, he says.
Would like to continue
Since the turn of the year, Hamid has driven from Netto’s warehouse in Årslev to all Jutland’s and Funen’s towns. In October he is finished with his IGU training, and he would like to continue driving for Frode Laursen.
– I like being here. I have some good colleagues, and I have a job with responsibility. I have previously been on an internship in a supermarket where I stacked shelves. At that time I could not speak much Danish, but I didn’t learn it either as we didn’t really talk with any Danes. We just put the goods on the shelves. Here I speak Danish with my colleagues and with the customers, and that’s really good.