New major clients are moving in at the warehouse in Helsingborg

Reckitt Benckiser Nordic
The operation of the Danish and Norwegian client has taken place from our warehouse in West Denmark for several years – and we will continue with that. As a new initiative, we are gathering the products for Sweden and Finland at the warehouse in Helsingborg (Åstorp). From here, Frode Laursen will distribute to big and small recipients in the FMCG sector in both countries. For Reckitt Benckiser, the new set-up means that the complexity will be reduced and the service will improve significantly. It is also an advantage that the total costs and the total environmental impact are reduced. Concurrently, the administrative burden will be reduced. With one Nordic supplier on warehouse services, co-pack, distribution, customs handling, payments, pallets handling, IT and so on, there will be less transactions ordinarily.
Melitta & Cofresco
Melitta & Cofresco has chosen to serve their clients in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland from the warehouse in Helsingborg and have just moved in with their products. The choice of working with Frode Laursen is based on a desire for an efficient solution where the synergy to other FMCG suppliers is utilized completely at the warehouse and in transport. Having close and readily available contact to applicable specialists at Frode Laursen has also been a wish.
Spendrups will from now on use the warehouse in Helsingborg as a buffer for their own setup in Grängesberg. Beside from providing Spendrups with warehouse services, Frode Laursen will carry out transportation to and from the warehouse and produce selected distribution jobs from production in Grängesberg. Spendrups have had a wish to work together with a supplier that could offer innovative quality solutions – and at the same time are willing to invest in a long-term working relationship with the warehouse as focal point.
Occupation of the 3 clients in Åstorp support eco-friendly multisharing of resources on Frode Laursen’s own warehouses and at the same time provides a lower CO2 footprint in the shared transport of FMCG goods to the same receivers in trade for the Nordic Countries.
VP at Frode Laursen AB Jørgen Balle is very proud of the above-mentioned clients have chosen Frode Laursen as their logistic partner – which happened due to recommendations from current clients, among other things. In addition, Jørgen Balle stated that Frode Laursen’s strategy – as opposed to most others in the logistic industry – takes its starting point in the wish to redeem control with the whole logistic chain with the highest possible ownership rate of warehouses and the necessary vehicle fleet – which will lead to a big competitive advantage.