Frode Laursen delivers significant green results

Once again, the logistics company can document substantial reductions in emissions from its transport operations and logistics centres. The development means that Frode Laursen has reduced its Scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 18% since 2020, when it set itself the goal of reducing its CO2e emissions by 35% by 2030. Thus, it is a goal that the company is well on its way to achieving.
Despite increasing prices for biogas and a very unsettled business environment, in 2022 Frode Laursen managed to reduce its CO2e emissions by a further 6%. Altogether, this equates to an 18% reduction since 2020, so the company is now half-way towards achieving its goal of a 35% reduction in CO2e emissions between 2020 and 2030.
“It is one thing to set a goal. It is quite a different matter to deliver on it. And it makes me feel incredibly proud that, at Frode Laursen, we have managed to do just this by taking an alternative approach to the task and letting our skilled employees come up with solutions which have really made a difference,” says Thomas Corneliussen, CEO at Frode Laursen.
The decrease in the company’s CO2e emissions covers reductions from both transport operations and logistics centres. At the logistics centres, less heating and the installation of heat pumps have resulted in a 29% decrease in emissions, while the 6% decrease in emissions from transport can be attributed to using alternative fuels such as HVO biodiesel and biogas.
Scope 3 objectives and electric trucks
In contrast to many of its competitors, Frode Laursen benefits from owning a large proportion of its fleet, which enables it to directly influence the choice of equipment and how it is operated. Efforts within this area have paid off in relation to the results in Scope 1 and 2. Concurrently with the positive development, Frode Laursen has, for the first time, mapped the company’s CO2e emissions in Scope 3.
“We also want to take responsibility for the emissions which are indirectly linked to our company, and in 2023 we will set a goal for reducing these emissions,” says Thomas Corneliussen, emphasising that the company will definitely not be scaling back on its green initiatives any time soon.
“We’re not going to slow the pace of our green transition. On the contrary, we will continue to challenge ourselves, our suppliers and the market, because it’s something we must do to find the right solutions,” he says.
Therefore, Frode Laursen has also invested in several electric trucks, which will roll onto the roads in 2023 – even though essential factors such as charging infrastructure and capacity are far from being in place.
“We’ve done this on the assumption that we have to look ahead and gain experience with the technology, and how we can use it best. This is imperative if we’re to achieve our goals with the green transition.”