Social responsibility

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Frode Laursen has decided to use the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the starting point for its CSR strategy. One of the SDGs that we want to focus on is SDG 8: ‘Decent work and economic growth’

People, employees and rights

At Frode Laursen, we consider our employees to be our most important resource by far, and strive to have happy and motivated employees. We do so, among other things, by focusing on freedom, self-determination and respect at all levels of the organisation.

It is important for Frode Laursen that our employees can develop hand in hand with the company. Therefore, we make sure to continually train our employees, and equip them in the best possible way professionally and in relation to occupational health and safety. Another focus area is the increased automation of tasks that place a strain on employees, as our industry often involves hard physical work. We also require our suppliers and business partners to live up to high ethical standards and guarantee that their employees are treated decently. We expect those we do business with to respect human rights and proper business practices. You can read more about this in our Code of Conduct, which briefly describes and explains our requirements and wishes vis-à-vis our suppliers and partners.

THE ATTA Foundation

In 2019, the Andersen family – who own the Frode Laursen group – established the ATTA Foundation (Frode Laursen Foundation), the primary objective of which is to help dyslexics, pattern-breakers and the children of employees in the logistics industry. Read more about the foundation in our CSR report.

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