Sustainability strategy

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Sustainability is integral to Frode Laursen’s business, and we want to make a difference.

We have based our approach to sustainability on the UN’s 17 global goals and have defined SDG 8 (Decent jobs and economic growth) as well as SDG 13 (climate action) as the main areas that are most relevant in relation to our activities and thus also areas where we want to be able to make the most significant difference.

Decent work and economic growth

Everyone should be able to work, and we want to offer secure and decent jobs to all our employees. At the same time, we want to make a positive difference in our local communities by recruiting, integrating and retaining employees, including those who would otherwise risk falling out of the job market due to reduced work capacity or other reasons.
We want to conduct our business ethically and responsibly, and it is essential for us that our employees and suppliers share this approach.


Climate Action

We want to help address the global climate challenge facing the world due to excessive CO2e emissions. We will explore new possibilities in terms of alternative fuels for our trucks and new technologies that can help minimise our carbon footprint. At the same time, employee behaviour is a key focus area, and we want our transport divisions and logistics centres to be as efficient as possible in reducing our carbon footprint.

Sqm. storage space